About Teams

Teams allow you to coordinate a group of people – a group of friends, a reading club, subscribers to your content, and so on. Using teams, you can invite a large group of users to a discussion in one go, as well as manage their Participant Roles easily. You can view which teams you’re currently in by navigating to the Teams section of the My Kialo page.

How to Create a Team

To create a new Team:

  1. Open the My Kialo page and navigate to the Teams section.
  2. Click on the + New Team button.
  3. Enter a name for your new team.
  4. Once finished, click Create.

If you wish to delete a team, see the below section.

Adjusting Team Settings

Note: You must be a team Owner or Admin to edit the options outlined in this section.

To adjust the settings for a team:

  1. Open the My Kialo page and navigate to the Teams section.
  2. Select your team you wish to adjust the settings for.
  3. Click Settings to open the Team Settings page.

The following options are available to edit:

Avatar Image: you may change the team avatar, in the same way you would change your avatar.
Team Name: set a team display name, separate to the team handle.
Team Handle: edit the team handle, which will appear as the team URL link. Note this cannot contain spaces.
Description: optionally, enter a team description here. You may find it useful to include organizational information here if you manage multiple Teams.
URL: optionally, if your team has a website, you can link it here.

If ‘Only team administrators can invite this team to discussions’ is checked, only Admins in the team will be able to invite all users to discussions using the team name. It is recommended to enable this feature if your team contains users you don’t know or trust, in order to restrict them from accidentally (or intentionally) inviting the team to undesired discussions (if you have other users in the team who will be inviting the group to discussions, you should adjust their Team role to Admin).

The ‘Delete Team’ button will (unsurprisingly) delete the team.

Finally, the ‘Team Portal Page’ section allows you to change the cover image which is displayed on the team page.

Once you have finished adjusting the team settings, click Save.

Managing Team Members

Note: You must be a team Owner or Admin to edit the options outlined in this section.

To manage the members in a team:

  1. Open the My Kialo page and navigate to the Teams section.
  2. Select the Team you wish to manage members in.
  3. Click the # Members link located to the right of the team name.

Managing Team Member Roles

In teams, there are three permission levels: Owner, Admin, and Member. These roles within a team control what permissions members have in regard to the team itself. Owners and Admins in a team are able to manage team members (adding/removing members and adjusting team roles), as well as adjust Team Settings.

Recap: Team member permissions are different from the roles teams are granted in individual discussions. In a discussion, teams can be given any participant role, and the role given in a discussion to a team will be applied to all of its members.

To adjust a team member’s role:

  1. In the Team Members page, navigate to the bottom section to find a list of all current members.
  2. Find the user whose role you wish to adjust, click on the drop-down menu to the right of their username, and select the new intended role.

Adding Users to a Team

In the Team Members page, you can add users to the team either by generating a Team Invite Link or directly inviting them.

Team Invite Link: all users who follow the link will join the team as a Member. To enable the link, click Enable in the Team Invite Link section, and the generated Team Invite link will appear. To disable the link, click Disable. You can generate a new Team Invite Link (which will invalidate the previous one) by disabling and re-enabling it.

Note: If a user has disabled email invites, they will not be able to successfully follow a Team Invite Link.

Invite to team: enter any usernames or email addresses (if the user has email invites enabled) to directly invite to the team. If inviting multiple users, you should separate their names or email addresses with a space. In the ‘Role’ menu, specify whether to invite the user as an Admin or Member. In the ‘Message’ section, you can optionally add a message to include with your invite. Once you are ready to send the invitation, click Invite.

Invited users will receive a notification that they have been added to a Team on their My Kialo page.

Removing Users from a Team

In the Team members page, navigate to the bottom section to find a list of all current Team members. Find the user you wish to remove from the Team, click on the drop-down menu to the right of their username, and select Remove. Owners may not be removed from a Team.

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