Muting a Discussion

About Muting Discussions

If you no longer wish to receive any notifications from a discussion, you can mute it. This will prevent any discussion updates or mentions from other users appearing on your My Kialo page.

Caution: If you later choose to unmute the discussion, any notifications you would have received will be lost. Ensure you want to mute a discussion before doing so.

How to Mute or Unmute a Discussion

To mute a discussion:

  1. Open the discussion to mute.
  2. Click the blue ‘Following’ or ‘Follow’ button in the top-right corner of the discussion.
  3. Select ‘Mute’.

To unmute a discussion:

  1. Open the discussion to unmute.
  2. Click the blue ‘Muted’ button in the top-right corner of the discussion.
  3. Select ‘Follow’ or ‘Unmute’.
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