My Kialo and Explore Pages

My Kialo Page

If you are logged in, the default view page for the site is the My Kialo page, which shows you content related to your activity on the site. My Kialo contains the following tabs:

Summary sections for each of the other My Kialo page tabs. 

A summary of the discussions in which you have unseen notifications or unresolved marks for review.

All discussions you are currently following, ordered by which have the most recent activity.

All discussions for which you are the Owner.

Discussions you have opened, ordered by those you have most recently visited.

Suggested discussions based on your past discussion visits.

All Kialo Teams you’re in.

Explore Page

If you are not logged in, the default view page for the site is the Explore page, which shows you public content across the site. You may access the Explore page if you are logged in by clicking ‘Explore’ in the top left menu of My Kialo. There are several different tabs on the Explore page:

Featured discussions have been selected by Kialo staff as particularly interesting, insightful or topical. In this tab, you’ll also find a ‘Kialo in Numbers’ window showing the overall number of contributions, votes, debates and claims which have been made in public discussions, as well as a ‘Top Contributors’ list of the users who have been most active in the past seven days.

Popular discussions are those which have been viewed and visited the most by visitors and users of Kialo.

New discussions are discussions which have been recently published on Kialo.

Hot discussions are the discussions with the most activity (new claims, edits, comments, etc) on Kialo.

On the top of the Explore page, you’ll also see a list of Popular Topics – the tags most used across the site.

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