Notification and Activity Lists

To open the Notification and Activity Lists in a discussion, click on the bell-shaped notifications icon in the top-right-hand corner.

There are three notification lists: the ‘Discussion Changes List’, ‘Discussion Activity List’, and finally the ‘Global Notifications List’.

About the Discussion Changes List

‘Changes’ displays all changes and comments in the current discussion that you haven’t yet seen or marked as seen.

The Discussion Changes List is split into three sections:

  • ‘Important’ contains notifications that involve you being mentioned, changes to your claims by other users, or new pros or cons to your claim.
  • ‘Suggestions’ is displayed if there are any pending suggestions or unseen changes to suggestions.
  • ‘Other’ contains all other unseen changes.

About the Discussion Activity List

‘Activity’ displays all changes and comments made in the current discussion in chronological order. 

A filter can be applied to only see changes and comments made by a particular user, by clicking ‘Filter’ and selecting the intended user. The user filter can be removed by clicking ‘Filter:’ again and selecting ‘No filter (show activity of all participants)’.

While a user filter is enabled, you can select either ‘Show voted claims’ or ‘Show unvoted claims’ in the dropdown to display a list of the claims a user has or has not voted on.

If you wish to only see claim activity (claims which have been added or deleted) in the Discussion Activity List, click the ‘Show activity’ button and select ‘Show claims’. This can be used in conjunction with the user filter to see claim activity from a specific user. To revert to viewing all discussion activity, open the menu again by clicking ‘Show claims’ and select ‘Show activity’.

About the Global Notifications List

‘Global’ displays important notifications from all your discussions on Kialo. This includes you being mentioned, any of your claims being marked for review, suggestions or participation requests in any discussion for which you are an Admin, and any changes to your role in discussions.

To remove all pending global notifications, click ‘Mark all as read’.

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